Dear All
At 8.30 pm on March 28, 2009 cities across the world will turn off their lights for just one hour
To show that it is possible to take action on global warning. Switching off is a simple action that can make a DIFFERENCE and it sends a powerful message that the people of the world care about the future of the planets.
We can make a difference as well, today at 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm we at ........... will switch off our lights in support of EARTH HOUR.

tapi... keliru skit.. turn off lights? lampu saja ke? pertanyaan kawan saya ni buat saya keliru skit.. hehe... tapi takpe la.. asalkan kita tetap menyokong earth hour kan.. tapi ada juga yang tak dapat menyokong earth hour ni.. bak kata kawan saya ni..
Aku tak leh nak support beb sgt
Bisnes tu
Sure bonus aku tak byk tahun ni
Million rugi esok ni
Contoh la
Ko jual nasi lemak
Pastu ko ckp jgn makan nasi lemak
emm... bila pikir2 balik.. ada kebenarannya... keje "jual tenaga elektrik".. tapi kena wat kempen jangan guna tenaga elektrik..haha.. camner tu??
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